2025 of the Common Era
Feb. 9th
Stormholm's land search party, greatly reduced in number by disease, narrowly claimed success while trying to expand our borders. Thanks to a diplomatic solution proposed by the silver-tongued Lord Hiroshi, Stormholm reached a compromise with a group of elves.
Jan. 26th
Trying to make up for the time lost battling the undead armies, Stormholm decided to send out two land search parties. The first encountered a group of goblins who were easily wiped out. The goblins' hoard included 200 gold pieces which the party eagerly brought back to Stormholm, greatly boosting our coffers and adding land to our borders. The second party was not so lucky, encountering a large group of zombies crossing Stormholm's border. They cleared out the zombie threat but were unable to continue on their land search and returned home.
Fenderatto was formally recognized as a full member of Stormholm and received his personalized piece of silver jewelry.
Jan. 12th
Stormholm's warships joined the fleet sent out to stop the influx of undead trying to capture the Island of Sorrows. Stormholm's army fought valiantly and even though many lives were lost, they proved essential to driving back the undead hoards and helping the Realm win our first major victory against the undead army.
2024 of the Common Era
Dec. 15th
The Realm of Legend gathered together celebrating the Coronation of the King Nada. It was a time of festivities, feasting, and fun. Almost every member of Stormholm received accolades and honors recognizing their contribution to Stormholm and to the Realm. Kimi and Hiroshi were formally recognized as full members of Stormholm and were each presented with a piece of silver jewelry specifically chosen for each of them. Kimi was also granted the title of Lady.
Dec. 1st
Still weak and recovering after her prolonged sickness, our beloved Dame Archduchess Castracia decided to pass on the title of House Lord to Stormholm's second in command, Baron Sinskar. Her decision surprised the House but after adjusting to the news, many responded with understanding and celebration.
Many thanks to Dame Archduchess Castracia, and cheers for our new House Lord, Baron Sinskar!!
Nov. 17th
In an unpreceded occurrence, Baron Sinskar and his land search party successfully negotiated with a group of Elves living just outside the border of Stormholm territory. With no blood shed by either side, the Elves agreed to live peacefully within our borders in exchange for protection and even paid a 100 gold piece tribute to Stormholm.
Many of those most important within the Realm of Legend met on the battlefield to bear witness to the passing of the crown, to see which noble or nobles would fight for their claim to the throne. Queen Castracia of House Stormholm stepped down as Monarch of Legend and with no contest, Syr Nada Zukonian of House Warspite assumed the throne. Dame Castracia, now recognized as an Archduchess for serving as Monarch for two years, passed on the Crown of Hera and Court was adjourned, but as the many house lords and other nobles left with their vassals and underlings, they failed to notice that Dame Archduchess Castracia was not among them. She had fought against the vampire "blood-madness" until her replacement was in place on the throne. Once solidified, she had lumbered away from the battlefield. The sickness overtook her as her body accepted the death that awaited her. She was resurrected and, as far as her followers knew, purified.
King Nada Zukonian named Baron Sinskar as Hand of the King and Lord Hiroshi Kazeyoke as Master of Coin. Huzzah!
Nov. 3rd
A land search party wiped out a group of troglodytes while scouting out new land for Stormholm. After the troglodytes were dead, the party, disappointed from finding nothing of value, felt led to camp the night before returning home. Upon awakening, they found that Vala Rauca had taken over the forest around them. The forest opened up a path and led them to a mysterious mound. They found a buried chest containing some gold and a many tiny jewels that they brought back to Stormholm.
Oct. 20th
Stormholm's land search party successfully took down a group of ferocious owlbears! The party looted the owlbears' cave and brought back 100 gold pieces, boosting our coffers and our borders.
Oct. 4th-6th
When Tharum started raising zombies in the Realm of Legend, it was up to the entire realm to put a stop to it. However, since it was on the southeast boarder of Stormholm itself, Stormholm was extremely invested in stopping this threat. Stormholm was on the front line of this fight every step of the way. Even though we lost millions we were able to cleanse our lands of the zombie threat. We left no member under the influence of the zombie plague. We even found a cure for our lands to keep the plague at bay. We were instrumental at stopping the threat even though as a whole the realm failed at stopping the threat. We found the alter and the ability to reactivate the alter but failed to do so. Though we were able to successfully retreat from this threat, the story isn't over yet and the realm will not forget this threat. The southeast boarder will need a guardian to protect it from this new loaming threat.
Sep. 22nd
On this day Stormholm achieved many victories. Duke Sapph and Baron Sinskar were raised to Knight Bachelor. Huzzah!! Baron Sinskar was given the Order of the Crown, Lady Alduin was given Order of the Orb and Stag, Lord Hiroshi was given Order of the Torch, Kimi was given the Order of the Rose, Maleqqi was given the Order of the Mask, and Kizen was given the Order of the Unicorn. Huzzah!!
Though many competed in the fighting competitions, no orders were given to the ranks of Stormholm.
Sep. 8th
While scouting outside the edge of Vala Rauca, a Stormholm land search party encountered a group of goblins and swiftly defeated them, successfully expanding the edges of Stormholm territory. The party also looted 60 gold pieces off of the goblins to add to the House's coffers.