The lands of Stormholm are filled with mythical forests, named Vala Rauca, that both protect them and provide for them. To say that "these are our forests" is an understatement. On the back side of Stormholm is a massive mountain range providing protection and a backbone of strength. The mountain range also provides fresh water coming down the mountain that some say taste like magic itself.
The Realm of Legend

Positioning in the Realm
Lands Within Stormholm

The Lands of Stormholm as a whole are entrusted to the Nobles of Stormholm
Bliss Falls in the Northwest is entrusted to Archduchess Castracia
- It is so named due to the fresh spring water coming off the mountain. Drinking it reminds you of the best moments of your life.
Star Haven to the South is entrusted to Baron Sinskar
- it is so named because between the mountains and the forests, the stars are so bright that you can be lost for hours just bathing in their light.
Viel Vuur to the West is entrusted to Lady Alduin
- It is so named due to the magical energies of the lava and fire harnessed at the heart of the mountain. These energies enhances the magic of all users in the lands of Stormholm.
Vandor Gisir to the East is entrusted to Duke Sapph
- It is so named due to the inhabitants of this region. The name means "the Forest Guardian". These inhabitants consistently patrol and assist Vala Rauca in any way the forests needs. The forest in turn has a special heart for these guardians.
Vala Rauca
- The Forests of Vala Rauca consists of all the forests in the lands of Stormholm. As we explore more lands we continue to add to these forests.