Stormholm's Capital Castle
Stormholm was founded after the last cataclysm of the Realm of Legend. It started as a group of mercenaries that banded together and made their way into the wild to find themselves a home. While roaming the wilds, they came across some Demons that were destroying the forests around them. The Mercenaries fought the demons and defeated them. Afterwards they noticed trails forming in their path when they walked. The trees and underbrush seem to not bother them. Food became plentiful as hunting became easier. Growing food seemed to yield better crops in their lands. The forests also showed them where monsters were that needed to be cleared out to protect the forests and protect the lands. Over the first few weeks the band of mercenaries decided that this was a perfect place to call home and preceded to clear the land of the foul beasts. All of a sudden, the occupants on the edge of Stormholm's lands found a line of carcasses of various monsters on the edge of those forests. A sign that the lands were protected and unwanted guests are not welcome.
Another phenomenon they noticed was that wolves in this land were also protected and loved by the forests. Trails opened before their hunts and the ground beneath them grew strong as they ran. This is the reason why the wolf became a sacred animal to the mercenaries.
Stormholm was then born from the work and power of these mercenaries, with respect to the wolves and the acceptance of the forests.
As time moved on, other inhabitants were chosen by the forests and accepted into the ranks of Stormholm. As strangers move through the lands, they are watched by the inhabitants of Stormholm to see if they are one of the chosen.
House Terror

The most feared monster in the realm of Stormholm is an Elder Ice Dragon named "Crytula the Enduring" with a family of Ice dragons. While he has been defeated many times, killing him has been near impossible as he has an ability to freeze the entire field at the same time. There has been little chance of success as he uses this ability before he and his family flee the battle. Fighting him has been difficult because chasing him down requires us to do battle at the summit of the mountains. The very air itself is so cold that every 15 seconds someone freezes randomly during combat.
There is a legend that parents tell their young to scare them of the deep dark forests. Of dire wolves bigger that bears and faster than panthers that live in them. So territorial that wandering to far into the woods invites death. The legend scares many but the truth scares more. In those very woods lies a band of one time mercenaries but now a closely knit family that has done the unspeakable to protect each other. During the cataclysm the only way they survived was working together and defending each other. Creating a bond so strong nothing can come between them. During these uncertain times, when the very land itself is unstable, the only thing certain is staying out of their territory. Because, like those dire wolves, they never hunt alone, you never see them coming, and when you do it is always too late. The linens on their very backs help them to blend in the dark forests. Black with the shadows and blue with the moon light. No one know why they proclaimed themselves when they did but it came with a message and a warning. The message was a line of monstrous carcasses on the edge of their forest and the warning, clear as day was "These are our Forests". To this day, you can request aid from them, and they will come to the aid of the worthy when it is clear it is the will of the house and the forest. They help to return lost souls out of their forests. Still the lost ones return with stories of weaving mazes and creatures moving just within sight in the shadows. Never being able to identify what they are seeing. Never knowing how to reach back home till found by a local in black and blue with food and a way out of the forests. Always with the departing warning "These are our Forests". They come to help and seem like good people, just don't ask about their home or what's in the forest cause they will never tell, and their answer will always be... "These are our Forests".
Veil Vuur
While Uzzlezesh was dealt with by the realm, the damage to our land was not. Lady Alduin was shown by Vala Rauca a great rent in the land and through great risk survived to inform the leaders of Stormholm. Out of the rent poured lava and fire elementals by the plenty. Lady Alduin battled many and was close to exhaustion by the time she made it to Queen Castraica. The leaders and full members of the house rallied and brought troops to repair the land. Though we knew it could not be done by normal means. A call was made across the lands of Stormholm for all those gifted with magic for assistance. While Queen Castracia, Baron Sinskar, and the full members held off the fire elementals, Lady Alduin and her company of wizards worked on the rent. However, while working with the lava and fire she realized her infinity for fire. The power and spirit of the element enticed and called Lady Alduin. When the rent was repaired what was left behind was a castle bathed in bright pink light. The land itself called to and designed the castle through Lady Alduin. Wolves howled in rejoice at the healing of the land. While the castle was impressive, something else impressed the house even more. Through the rent, energies poured across the lands of Stormholm that weren’t present to begin with. Lay lines developed in the land. Wizards could access the lay lines with ease, increasing the power of Stormholm 10-fold. As long as Vier Vuur stands, lay lines remain active throughout the lands of Stormholm. The protection of Vier Vuur is given to Lady Alduin as Vala Rauca intended.
Sekkõtai Kunren
While the undead are constantly attacking the lands of Stormholm on the Southern border due to the location of the undead infestation, a new tower emerged on the northern border. Vala Rauca has spoken that it wants us the expand northward. The tower was built by Vala Rauca overnight on the northern mountain side. It happened the night that Kimi Shizue was raised a Lady. The tower itself has a map of Stormholm that is directly tied to the land itself showing Lady Kimi every aspect of Stormholm in real time. For instance, when a group of trolls came down out of the mountain, she could watch them on the map and could tell us exactly where they were to destroy them. The map expands as the house’s lands expand as the map is magically tied to Vala Rauca and the lands of Stormholm. Another aspect is that Vala Rauca shows Lady Kimi the direction it wants to expand. After the tower was constructed Baron Sinskar commissioned a training ground with barracks to help train the scouts of the house under the command of Lady Kimi Shizue. Lady Kimi leads, trains, and runs the scouts of the House. Deciding the direction of expansion of Stormholm and scouting for the armies of Stormholm.