The members of Stormholm were chosen by the magical forests, Vala Rauca, that surround our capital. It's a symbiotic relationship. As we protect and care for the forests, the forests assist us in our daily lives. It provides safe passage through the forest and sustenance to keep us fed and warm. At the same time, we assist the forest by keeping it clear of monsters and other harmful creatures. It is not a requirement to worship nature or even the forest itself. We were chosen by the forests and though we don't always understand why, we strive to be worthy of the magical forest's reasons.
Stormholm Motto
Blood Rains Down as We Rise UP
The Wolf
The wolf is a sacred animal to us as it is the only other creature Vala Rauca provides safe passage and ease of hunts for. Some think the wolves are to be worshiped. Others think they are brothers and sisters of Stormholm as the forests also chose them. Still some think they are messengers of the gods. Whatever your belief, it is clear that they are a respected and sacred animal to the Vala Rauca and to us.
Vala Rauca
The forests of Vala Rauca were named after the founding of Stormholm. When the edges of the forests were lined with the carcasses of monsters and unholy beasts. While the forests killed some, most were killed by the founding members with the assistance of the forests itself. Many of the towns and villages on the outskirts of the forests sent in hunters and explores to find out what caused the deaths. What they found was unnerving. The forests itself seemed unwelcoming and dangerous. Still the most impactful part was the new inhabitants. The very foliage seemed to move when they walk and branches never touched them, as if they had powers over the land itself. They seemed to appear out of nowhere and fight like the wind. For that reason, the locals named it "The Forests of Vala Rauca" or translated, the forest of god like demons.
Bliss Falls
On the northwest side of Stormholm is the area called Bliss Falls. It's called that because the water running down the mountain is pure, refreshing, and in the words of the locals... complete bliss. The water is not only used for farming and the like, but also bottled up and sent all over the lands of Stormholm. It is a secret luxury that only the nobles and citizens of Stormholm know of. The most important aspect of this water is only known to the nobles of Stormholm. When drinking the water from its source in the mountains, it can heal the wounded or refresh the mind. Some rumors say that the worthy who believe receive even greater powers when drinking the water from the source. Though this is still just rumor. Still, what's bottled and sent across the lands have proven to increase the lives of Stormholm's citizens by 5-10 years at the least.
The Castle at Bliss Falls is currently occupied by Revan. He is currently entrusted with the collection and distribution of the magical spring water coming down the mountain.
Star Haven
On the Southwest side of Stormholm is an area called Star Haven. It's called that because the fertile lands of Stormholm lay between Vala Rauca and the mountain ranges. In these fertile lands, the stars shine so bright that it seems magical. What the realm doesn't know is that we bottle that very starlight. What we use that starlight for is only for the house to know or understand. Just know that it is not for the weak.
The Castle at Star Haven is one of beauty. Built entirely with stone infused by starlight. It is a massively kept secret of Stormholm. Baron Sinskar currently keeps residence in this castle. He and the house keep Starlight a tight secret and no one has been able to divulge its secrets.
Vandor Gisir
On the East side of Stormholm is an area called Vandor Gisir. It is deep in Vala Rauca and is surrounded by the forests. Vandor Gisir translates to, the forest gaurdian, and houses some of Stormholm's most devoted and strongest fighters. These fighters patrol Vala Rauca and continually defend Vala Rauca from any threat. They serve as the house's first warning and are constantly moving through the lands listening to the pulse of the forest. If the threat is great enough, they are on the front line of the armies of Stormholm. They have and will always demand the right to first blood and the forests have always provided.
The Castle of Vandor Gisir is one of great prestige and power. While looking on the castle from the outside, it might look neglected, though this is definitely not the case. Animals run freely through the castle and its land, protected by its inhabitants. The castle went dark and the land suffered while Duke Sapph was on his quest. Now that Duke Sapph is back the animals are back and run freely through the castle. The castle has been reborn again. Vandor Gisir has been entrusted to the care of Duke Sapph.
Veil Vuur
On the Southwest side of Stormholm is an area called Veil Vuur. It is in the mountain side as it was created by tapping into the power of the lava and fires deep inside the mountain itself. There was an unimaginable massive battle while the power itself was brought into control by the casters of Stormholm. This elemental energy was then spread through the land itself as lay lines in the lands of Stormholm.
The Castle at Veil Vuur is one created with magic designed by Vala Rauca itself through Lady Alduin. Through the use of magic the castle was built in the mountains drawing power from the lava and fires within. This power is sent throughout Stormholm as lay lines. These lay lines give Stormholm's magic users easy access to power needed to make Stormholm strong. Not only do wizards use lay lines but also clerics, druids, bards, and other magic users. Veil Vuur is entrusted to Lady Alduin as Vala Rauca intended.
Leadership of Stormholm
Stormholm's House Lord is Queen of the Realm, Queen Castracia.
Second in command is the Magnate of Stormholm, Hand of the Queen, Baron Sinskar
Third in command is the Guardian of Stormholm, Duke Sapph
The War Chief, Revan